Monday 9 August 2010

Draft Posts

I've written two 'Putting myself in to someone elses shoes' posts lately and they're both still in draft form, floating around in my dashboard.
  For some reason I can't bring myself to press the 'Publish Post' button. The thing about having a blog as that whatever you write about you're revealing some part of yourself, you're letting people in. Even some features, if not true are somewhat revealing.
  To be quite frank I don't mind strangers reading it so much, more the fact that people I know will stumble onto my blog and discover the truth about me. You see I doubt many people in my year know I exist, and even my best friends don't know everything about me. They take everything I tell them with a pinch of salt and change the subject to something about them. They couldn't pick out a decent present that suited my needs if they tried.
  Of course that's not all my friends, a few, one of them more than the others, are completely there for me, they know me very well, but even them, still don't know the real me. Most know about 60% of me, my best friend knows about 90%.
  My family know me much better, going on about 97%. Even my soulmate, when I find him, will only know about 99.5% - it's not true love unless they know everything. Right?
  So, I'm sorry, I can't bring myself to press that button yet. I'm still not completely sure why.

Saturday 7 August 2010


  Everyone is so concerned about energy nowadays. What's your carbon footprint? Emissions, electricity. All the energy companies are giving us tips on how to save energy, something my mum has been doing for years. She always nags us about not leaving the TV on standby, turning the lights off, not leaving the fridge door open.
  We take electricity for granted and I'll never worry about how much I use until I'm the one paying the bill. Mum doesn't care about the planet either to be honest, she too, only cares about the cost.
  Don't get me wrong guys, I care about the environment. I walk pretty much everywhere and take the bus often - actually that's probably because I can't drive but it still sort of counts - I only ever use one major appliance at a time and only boil the kettle when I need to, only using the amount of water I need.
  The reason I'm talking about energy is not because I'm advertising 'use less emissions', I'm no tree hugger. The reason is we got a meter reader, which tells us how much we're using in the house and how much it's costing us in a day.
  Right now it's about 50% more than usual as we're home and off school and work and using more things, the telly is on all the time. But it really surprised me how conscious I am of the fact we're using energy, even though I'm not paying for it, I'm kinda surprised, which is what the companies want. Well they don't want that because they get less money, but the government wants that and the ozone layer does too.
  One thing that I do find hilarious is how crap the companies are at giving these things out. We just switched, and our old company never gave us the meter reader we ordered about six months ago, both meter readers from both companies arrived within days of each other, even though we've switched.
  My Grandad is now enjoying nagging my Nan even more about the kettle being on too much - we gave them our spare.

Tuesday 3 August 2010

Birthday over, back to business

I've slacked a bit over the past few days, but who can blame me with my birthday? All I can say is I'm very happy with all my presents, especially my Accessorize range; literally I have a whole outfit of Accessorize buys and I love them to pieces.
 Another great present was a book I've had my eye on for sometime; I wanted to read a forbidden romance book that wasn't about vampires, Fallen by Lauren Kate is pretty amazing, I haven't finished it yet, but I highly recommend it to Twilight fans. The sequel, Torment, is due out soon I think.
  I'm going to buy my Clarins Beauty Flash Balm as soon as possible. I'll be starting work after my camping holiday, so I may aswell buy the stuff now so I don't look awful during my holiday; besides, I won't get paid for ages after that either, so I can save my income and spend my birthday money; I've already spent a lot, on a handbag and two albums.
  I exercise thing isn't really happening either, nor is my diet, nor is my recipe book and I've done little to my Art and Literature studying. Basically I'm just being lazy.
  I had a great birthday, I saw Toy Story 3 with my family which I loved, then went to Bella Italia and had Lasagna (My favourite meal in the whole world) and amazingly left enough room for The Godfather a huge Ice Cream dessert topped with cream with chocolate brownies buried inside. I went shopping also and got a gorgeous handbag from Accessorize that I love; I plan to go shopping properly later.
 I have my Movie Night Party on Thursday with all my mates so that should be fun too. I'll write a review of Fallen later when I've finished it.
 Vampires v. Angels??? Hands down vampires win (and by that I mean Edward), sorry Daniel.