Tuesday 3 August 2010

Birthday over, back to business

I've slacked a bit over the past few days, but who can blame me with my birthday? All I can say is I'm very happy with all my presents, especially my Accessorize range; literally I have a whole outfit of Accessorize buys and I love them to pieces.
 Another great present was a book I've had my eye on for sometime; I wanted to read a forbidden romance book that wasn't about vampires, Fallen by Lauren Kate is pretty amazing, I haven't finished it yet, but I highly recommend it to Twilight fans. The sequel, Torment, is due out soon I think.
  I'm going to buy my Clarins Beauty Flash Balm as soon as possible. I'll be starting work after my camping holiday, so I may aswell buy the stuff now so I don't look awful during my holiday; besides, I won't get paid for ages after that either, so I can save my income and spend my birthday money; I've already spent a lot, on a handbag and two albums.
  I exercise thing isn't really happening either, nor is my diet, nor is my recipe book and I've done little to my Art and Literature studying. Basically I'm just being lazy.
  I had a great birthday, I saw Toy Story 3 with my family which I loved, then went to Bella Italia and had Lasagna (My favourite meal in the whole world) and amazingly left enough room for The Godfather a huge Ice Cream dessert topped with cream with chocolate brownies buried inside. I went shopping also and got a gorgeous handbag from Accessorize that I love; I plan to go shopping properly later.
 I have my Movie Night Party on Thursday with all my mates so that should be fun too. I'll write a review of Fallen later when I've finished it.
 Vampires v. Angels??? Hands down vampires win (and by that I mean Edward), sorry Daniel.

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