Saturday 31 July 2010

Exercise - eeeek! Project Updates; Exercise balls

So, one of my 'projects' for this summer was to exercise more and lose weight. I've been out jogging twice, and gone on the treadmill once. That's it. I really need to do something else, other than cutting out snacks in my diet.
  I need a routine, something I'm not so keen on and something that doesn't suit my creative side. I thought about joining a class, like a dance club or something, but then I hate those sort of things.
  I'm constantly reminded of those fitness videos when I think of the word 'workout' you know those ones from the nineties where everyone is wearing leg warmers, spandex and lycra?
  I think I need to do something like that, but with one of those exercise balls to tone your thighs and bum, you know where you lay on them and use weights and stuff.
  Maybe I'll spend my new income on fitness stuff too. So I google exercise balls and this is the typical picture I get;
Lots of people doing impossible positions on one of these balls, how the hell  am I going to do that? Wouldn't the ball just run out from underneath me? I'm predicting bruises. The image was from here, so I have a look at the website to see if it has prices or anymore useful tips.
  Not really much luck but after some extra surfing I find a video that proves you don't have to be super flexible and strong to be able to use these to get fit and toned, and you can get an exercise ball from pretty much anywhere, so I'll be out on the hunt for one soon.
  When I buy one, I'll take some pictures or something to prove that I'm using it. They will probably look hilarious but I hope it's worth it.

Putting Myself Into Someone Else's Shoes - I lost my job

-I'll think of some drama, then put myself in someones shoes, build up a story behind it, then write about what could have happened and what I'd do if it had been me...

I lost my job

Cuts. I blame it on the cuts. Stupid government, can't they see that they're just ruining people's lives? There's never any use asking why, there's nothing I can do to change this, I'll just have to look for another job.
  I've been trawling through the Internet looking at vacancies in every company cafeteria, school, bakery, cafe, restaurant and god knows where else for about a month now.
  The TV has been off to compensate for the constant buzz of my laptop, I've been eating at my parents house for the past two weeks as I have no money to buy food and my only pair of designer shoes - Christian Louboutins - have been sold on eBay to pay my rent. I really am at the end of my tether.
  Everything has just happened at the wrong time, my emergency savings went on my cars MOT, then my debit card was stolen and someone drew out £500 over two days - I only realised when the rent bounced - then suddenly I'm losing my job, company phone - a gorgeous Blackberry Curve - and this is just before I'm due to get the bonus that will save me.
  I turn to the pile of newspapers that Mum saved for me and begin to circle anything vaguely appropriate, I also begin to understand that any job will have to do - I need the money.
  I ring up a couple of waitressing vacancies and post off another twenty CV's then drive down to Mum's for dinner.
  My family have been very supportive over the last month, but to be honest I think Mum is enjoying having me back home so she can control my life. I'm being fed. I must not moan, but every time over any meal it's 'So, what have you done today to get a job? They won't just appear on their own you know darling.' and then you have to talk her through every google search, every ringed vacancy, addressed envelope and phone call. By the end of the meal you're getting it in the neck for not doing enough, even though I'm only ever breaking from my strenuous job search to eat, sleep and wash.
  What more can I do? My ambition has all dried up. Five years ago I left university with the dream of working as a chef for a Michelin starred restaurant, what do I get? A job working as cook at a Council office cafeteria. I told myself it was just for experience, just to get me started, to get my feet wet, and gradually I'd work my way up.
  I got tired of coming home every night after dealing with moody cooks and customer complaints and searching through restaurant chef vacancies. I got an interview once, but I lost it to someone who won 'Masterchef', and they didn't seem impressed with my mediocre sandwiching skills.
  As I reluctantly turned down my parents road I considered turning back and going home, I wanted to avoid the critics. But the grumble of my stomach reminded me how hungry I was and I carried on. One plus from not having enough money to buy food? I've lost about seven pounds.
  Turning off the engine I noticed that the fuel gauge was in the red, which just put me in an even worse mood.
  Dinner was the same as always, 'No Mum.' 'Yes Mum' 'No Mum, I do not want to train as a mechanic so I can work with Dad.'
  Jenny, my tweenage, much younger sister wrapped me up a cupcake sprinkled with stars. She's only ten, bless her.
  "I heard your tummy rumbling." She giggled. "I made it myself, from that cookbook you made for me for my birthday!" I thanked her, then begged Dad for twenty quid for fuel when Mum was out of earshot.
 It was raining when I finally left, I'd done some mental calculations in my head and I figured if I moved out of the apartment, sold most of my stuff and moved back in with Mum and Dad, I'd be hell of a lot more comfortable. But the idea of having to admit I needed my parents at 26 scared the crap out of me. That would really be admitting defeat.
  I pulled into the petrol station and filled up the car to the value of £15, that extra £5 would be the only good thing in my life, I looked over at a guy filling up a BMW, which looked comical next to my Astra.
  He was about my age I guessed, well off, obviously, his black messy hair was everywhere and was long enough to cover most of his ears, he was tall, about 6ft, and you could see from his thin shirt that he worked out.
  He caught me staring, and I flushed red and looked away quickly. I tried to focus on the car show room across the road, on a sign that read 'Strapped for cash? Don't really need your car? We value and guarantee to buy your car, you'll have the money paid into your account in three days! All paperwork sorted!' My eyes widened and I turned to look at my car, it was small, and pathetic and only a run around. All it was doing was carting me to and from Mum and Dads. I lived right near the shops. I could walk places. I could use the bus.
  Suddenly everything pieced itself together, I saw the cupcake Jenny made, simplistic, beautiful, it had cheered me up. I saw the car, the money, my old cooking equipment in the loft left over from University. It was do-able.
  I'd make and sell my own cakes! I set up my own Magnolia Bakery in Plymouth! Everyone would come into my shop grumpy and rain soaked, and they'd buy my cheap, but amazing cakes and feel better, people would come in and ask for personalized ones, they would have had forgotten about their friends birthday and my cakes would make everything better.
  I smiled, I could take a job as a waitress and work evenings, and run my business by day. It could work. It will work, I looked over at the fit BMW guy and grinned, he grinned back, confused, but happy to.
  I skipped over to the shop and paid for the petrol. As I stood in the queue I saw my reflection in the mirror behind the counter, my hair was tied up in a tight ponytail as I didn't use my straighteners anymore - saving electricity - I only wore minimal make-up and I looked awful, but it was my expression that amazed me, I was glowing and I realized everything might be fixed, I had a chance.

Friday 30 July 2010

NYC What is it that makes it the greatest city on earth?

  The Big Apple. The city that never sleeps. The cultural centre of the world. New York city is arguably one of the most famous cities in history, but what is the draw? Why do writers, artists, bankers and the very rich go to live there?

Facts; Rom-coms (Devil Wears Prada, Picture Perfect, 27 dresses) books (I heart New york, Fairy Tale of New York) TV series (Friends, HIMYM, Gossip girl) Artists (Andy Warhol)
NYC is the most populous city in the US with over eight million in the actual city (New York is actually a state, but this is often overlooked) Wallstreet is the financial capital of US
Source; Wikipedia

 Some of the most popular films, books and TV series have been set in New York, typically romantic comedies are set there because women go to the city to find love, or do people think this because of the films? Is it true? Do you really find love in NYC? Or do you think that because of the film? Either way people choose the city.
  Dating is always a major part of any TV series set in New York, but I doubt this is because it's the romance capital of the world (that's Paris), it's more that people think they'll find love there and the city is crammed full of singles, so dating is pretty up there on a New Yorkers list of things to do.

Fill a place with buildings and people are going to live there, but lets face it, certain parts of NYC aren't the cleanest, like any city. There are rats, dirty sidewalks, muggings, drugs. Space is very limited, decent sized apartments with security, in a decent area are hard to find at a decent price.
  You're constantly reminded that it's the city that never sleeps; you think it will get quieter at night? Think again.
  Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to drag the city's name through the mud, I'm just saying like every city it has it's problems, which seem only to be escalated by its fame, drawing the cultured in, but not exactly making it the safest place in the world.

The media industry has lead us to believe that New York is a place full of opportunities, but what it really is, is a huge beacon of the 'american dream', the city lifestyle; having the perfect career, a romance and an almost unlimited selection of upmarket stores.
  Its drawn people who have ambition; and therefore culture and talent. This draws more talent in because people think they can 'make it' here, like the city has the power to do that. It has a powerful effect and influence on the media, art, cultural and finance worlds.
  Its true, NYC does have the power to change lives, it has resources, it has brains and it has fame that just keeps on growing.

  My advice; go there, don't hold back, love it or hate it, you need to experience it.

I have a job!

  I am in a very good mood today; after a milk crisis - don't ask - I received the news that a job I thought I'd lost is now mine! I couldn't be happier! I'm not sure how to celebrate, I've told all my family and friends and I start in about three weeks.
  At first I thought money! Shopping! But spending money I don't have yet is highly inadvisable. I'm being sensible. I have plans to save a lot of what I earn, but I really want to spend the first lot I get, as a celebration of my first pay cheque, so I'm planning what to buy, excuse me while I go and dream about beauty products I can't afford, oh, no, wait, now I can!
  So first I trawl through my favourite beauty blog, 'Beauty Mecca' and find an old post about Clarins Beauty Flash Balm which just made me want to buy it, for those days when I get out of bed, look in the mirror and think, yuck! And travelling too, seeing as it is summertime.
  Even though I will be loaded soon with my new job, this is still quite a lot of money for a 50ml tube (Come on, my monthly allowance is £30 and I almost never get it, blame my Mum) so, I do my research on YouTube and try to find some before and after videos as extra concrete evidence for this products amazingness. I like to make sure I'm getting my moneys worth. Not really much luck on YouTube so I Google a before and after image instead. I found this other review, which basically confirmed everything I needed to know.
   That pretty much convinced me to buy it, and I'm thinking of going to Boots to buy, which may not be the cheapest, but I can get some advantage points, something in which my card is seriously lacking.
  So, what to buy next? I'm thinking I'll need to re-stock on some essentials like No7 Radiance Revealed Exfoliator and Olay Refreshing Face Wash, perfume definitely, although my birthday is in two days and I'll probably get some Impulse Body Spray, I really want some decent stuff; like Eternity by Calvin Klein, or Euphoria Blossom. I think I'll stick to Monsoon Perfume for the time being.
  I think I'll leave it at that for now and maybe buy some stuff that I wanted and didn't get for my birthday.

Thursday 29 July 2010

Putting Myself Into Someone Else's Shoes - Your Boyfriend's cheating on you with your best friend.

- I'll think of some drama, then put myself in someones shoes, build up a story behind it, then write about what could have happened and what I'd do if it had been me...

Your boyfriend's cheating on you, with your best friend...

It was raining so hard when I'd finally stepped out of the office that night, I gripped my umbrella tightly, not because it was windy, but to control my stress and frustration left over from the working day. After flagging down a taxi I fought back thoughts about Debbie. But her sneering grin kept forcing it's way through.
  It was a strain not to think about it. The whole day had been a mess, I had got in work early to make some international calls and find out about the internal promotion I was up for.
  I thought I'd had a pretty good chance, I've been here for three years researching other peoples articles, organising everyone elses meetings, I even had the chance to put together a double page spread the other day that my boss loved. But this was something I really wanted; to be able to write something. This was actually just a website page where I could write about fashion, lifestyle, anything I wanted.
  If it went well, I'd get an advert on the other blogs, and if that went well, I'd get an actual space in the newspaper.
  Of course it didn't turn out like that, after submitting reams of work and being shortlisted Debbie barged her way in demanding to know how I was going to do the job along with my current duties, that take up most of my life (I work twelve hour days and am on call for emergencies).
  But anyway, among other things, not getting the promotion cause of Debbie's lies really sent me into one of the worst moods ever.
  The rain was still hammering down the window of the taxi, the drops glowed orange under the reflection of the street lights and I tried to think of what would await me at home.
  It was my birthday, and no doubt Mark would have let himself in my flat and  would be making me tea right now (Or to be more accurate phoning for my favourite pizza, but he can't cook and its the thought that counts) and running me a warm bath.
  What awaited me behind that door was something I could never have comprehended, unbeknown to me Mark had invited all my friends over for a dinner party, something that wasn't due to start for an hour, I later learned.
  I glanced at my watch as we turned down my road, Seven O'clock, two hours earlier than my normal get off time, it was planned, but also I couldn't bear to sit in that office anymore with Debbie handing around champagne (it was a major thing in our office of assistants) and everyone coming up to me and expressing their sympathy about my lost job.
   I had been going around the office telling everyone about my supposed success and how I hoped that I'd finally get my shot and how miserable my life was, now I just looked like the biggest idiot in the world.
   I breathed in deeply trying to calm myself down and not ruin my birthday by being melancholy, I thrust the key in the lock and opened the door.
  One beautiful face looked up, surprised and shameful, her long blond hair spread out against the wall, the other person, had their back to me, but he stopped right in the middle of unbuttoning her shirt. She unwound her legs from around his waist and wiped her mouth, her lipstick smeared everywhere from kissing.
  It seems I had caught them before anything began, they were still fully clothed, but I just stood there, my stomach churning, my feet glued to the floor, my whole body rigid. I blinked hard, screwing my eyes up tight, hoping that when I opened them that image would be gone and people would jump out from the living room and shout 'Surprise!'
  I opened them and now they had both turned to look at me, but their eyes keep swivelling back to each others, like they couldn't be concerned about anyone elses existence than theirs.
  Finally, someone spoke."Emily." He said with no edge to his voice, no emotion, no feelings of regret. I looked at her, that face, so familiar, so endeared to me, my best friend since primary school, her face sorry, but proud, like I should have known, like she had a right to do this like it didn't matter.
  "Get out." I said, talking through my teeth, looking at the floor. Holly picked up her shoes and swiftly ran past me, climbing into Marks car. My eyes started to fill with tears and I fought will every ounce of energy I had to keep them from spilling over.
  "Em, I'm sorry. We love each other." He said, his coat bundled up in his arms.
  "Then tell me, break-up with me, before anything happens do that first! There's this thing called respect Mark!" I said, my voice shaking, trying not to lose it, trying not to cry.
  "But you! You've been so distant with this job, and the hours... we never talk..."
  "Don't pin this on me, you're the scum, you're both the scum!" He walked over to me and tried to hug me, but I pushed him away.
  "I still want to be friends Em, I still care about you." He looked hurt, but I didn't care.
  "Piss off!!!" I screamed, my tears flowing full pelt now, he did, he walked and stood just outside the door, turning to look at me he began to talk.
  "Don't blame Hol-" I didn't hear the rest, I slammed the front door with all the might I could manage. I locked up, threw my bag, umbrella, coat and shoes onto the floor and jumped face down onto my bed, screaming.
  My whole world had come crashing down in one day, my boyfriend, my best friend, my job, my life. I cried myself to sleep that night and called in sick the next day. Everyone would think it was because of Debbie, but who cares?
  I didn't know what to do, everything made me think of them, thrust up against that wall, just to spite me. I sat in bed staring into space trying to think of anything but that, but I did. I curled up in pain and screamed, every time.
  I hated their guts. I didn't know what the hell to do with myself.



I guess introductions are in order; Hi, I'm Natalie, I want to be  a writer, no, scratch that, I will be one. Or at least I hope so. That's just me trying to fight the pessimistic side of my personality, which will happen a lot. Sorry.
  I'm the sort of person who lives for their obsessions, mine being books, blogs, beauty products, New York and many, many television shows and films. I had many ambitions and 'projects' that I wanted to get started on this summer; improving and expanding my recipe book, revisiting old stories and re-vamping them, pre-studying so I have a head start on my school work, reading through the pile of un-read books in my room and starting a blog.
  So this is just a place for me to expand my writing 'skills' and try new new things, I will be loyal to this blog, I swear.

Natalie xxx