Thursday 29 July 2010

Putting Myself Into Someone Else's Shoes - Your Boyfriend's cheating on you with your best friend.

- I'll think of some drama, then put myself in someones shoes, build up a story behind it, then write about what could have happened and what I'd do if it had been me...

Your boyfriend's cheating on you, with your best friend...

It was raining so hard when I'd finally stepped out of the office that night, I gripped my umbrella tightly, not because it was windy, but to control my stress and frustration left over from the working day. After flagging down a taxi I fought back thoughts about Debbie. But her sneering grin kept forcing it's way through.
  It was a strain not to think about it. The whole day had been a mess, I had got in work early to make some international calls and find out about the internal promotion I was up for.
  I thought I'd had a pretty good chance, I've been here for three years researching other peoples articles, organising everyone elses meetings, I even had the chance to put together a double page spread the other day that my boss loved. But this was something I really wanted; to be able to write something. This was actually just a website page where I could write about fashion, lifestyle, anything I wanted.
  If it went well, I'd get an advert on the other blogs, and if that went well, I'd get an actual space in the newspaper.
  Of course it didn't turn out like that, after submitting reams of work and being shortlisted Debbie barged her way in demanding to know how I was going to do the job along with my current duties, that take up most of my life (I work twelve hour days and am on call for emergencies).
  But anyway, among other things, not getting the promotion cause of Debbie's lies really sent me into one of the worst moods ever.
  The rain was still hammering down the window of the taxi, the drops glowed orange under the reflection of the street lights and I tried to think of what would await me at home.
  It was my birthday, and no doubt Mark would have let himself in my flat and  would be making me tea right now (Or to be more accurate phoning for my favourite pizza, but he can't cook and its the thought that counts) and running me a warm bath.
  What awaited me behind that door was something I could never have comprehended, unbeknown to me Mark had invited all my friends over for a dinner party, something that wasn't due to start for an hour, I later learned.
  I glanced at my watch as we turned down my road, Seven O'clock, two hours earlier than my normal get off time, it was planned, but also I couldn't bear to sit in that office anymore with Debbie handing around champagne (it was a major thing in our office of assistants) and everyone coming up to me and expressing their sympathy about my lost job.
   I had been going around the office telling everyone about my supposed success and how I hoped that I'd finally get my shot and how miserable my life was, now I just looked like the biggest idiot in the world.
   I breathed in deeply trying to calm myself down and not ruin my birthday by being melancholy, I thrust the key in the lock and opened the door.
  One beautiful face looked up, surprised and shameful, her long blond hair spread out against the wall, the other person, had their back to me, but he stopped right in the middle of unbuttoning her shirt. She unwound her legs from around his waist and wiped her mouth, her lipstick smeared everywhere from kissing.
  It seems I had caught them before anything began, they were still fully clothed, but I just stood there, my stomach churning, my feet glued to the floor, my whole body rigid. I blinked hard, screwing my eyes up tight, hoping that when I opened them that image would be gone and people would jump out from the living room and shout 'Surprise!'
  I opened them and now they had both turned to look at me, but their eyes keep swivelling back to each others, like they couldn't be concerned about anyone elses existence than theirs.
  Finally, someone spoke."Emily." He said with no edge to his voice, no emotion, no feelings of regret. I looked at her, that face, so familiar, so endeared to me, my best friend since primary school, her face sorry, but proud, like I should have known, like she had a right to do this like it didn't matter.
  "Get out." I said, talking through my teeth, looking at the floor. Holly picked up her shoes and swiftly ran past me, climbing into Marks car. My eyes started to fill with tears and I fought will every ounce of energy I had to keep them from spilling over.
  "Em, I'm sorry. We love each other." He said, his coat bundled up in his arms.
  "Then tell me, break-up with me, before anything happens do that first! There's this thing called respect Mark!" I said, my voice shaking, trying not to lose it, trying not to cry.
  "But you! You've been so distant with this job, and the hours... we never talk..."
  "Don't pin this on me, you're the scum, you're both the scum!" He walked over to me and tried to hug me, but I pushed him away.
  "I still want to be friends Em, I still care about you." He looked hurt, but I didn't care.
  "Piss off!!!" I screamed, my tears flowing full pelt now, he did, he walked and stood just outside the door, turning to look at me he began to talk.
  "Don't blame Hol-" I didn't hear the rest, I slammed the front door with all the might I could manage. I locked up, threw my bag, umbrella, coat and shoes onto the floor and jumped face down onto my bed, screaming.
  My whole world had come crashing down in one day, my boyfriend, my best friend, my job, my life. I cried myself to sleep that night and called in sick the next day. Everyone would think it was because of Debbie, but who cares?
  I didn't know what to do, everything made me think of them, thrust up against that wall, just to spite me. I sat in bed staring into space trying to think of anything but that, but I did. I curled up in pain and screamed, every time.
  I hated their guts. I didn't know what the hell to do with myself.


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